
Exporting a HYPER-V Virtual machine to a network share

If you start a HYPER-V virtual machine export to a share, you will be greeted by an permissions error. This happens both with a manual export, and with a scripted backup through powershell using the Export-Vm cmdlet.

  • note: this procedure does not apply to migrations

The resolution for this problem is luckily simple. You need to give the source computer permissions on the target share and folder. That menas your steps are:

  • Bring up the share on the target computer (properties, sharing, advanced sharing)
  • Grant the source computer name permissions on the share. If your source computer is named domain\MYSERVER then you will grant the account domain\MYSERVER$ permissions. You will need to include computers in the object types being searched.
  • Grant the source comnputer persmissons on the folder relating to the share. Use the same naming as above.