
Getting the current date/time from a NIST server

' --- Get the current time/date from an internet nist server
' more timeserver here: http://tf.nist.gov/service/time-servers.html
Dim s_checkserver As String = "time.nist.gov"
Dim myreader As StreamReader
Dim s_timestring As String
    myreader = New StreamReader(New Net.Sockets.TcpClient(s_checkserver, 13).GetStream)
    s_timestring = myreader.ReadToEnd
    s_timestring = Trim(LTrim(s_timestring))
Catch ex As Exception
    ' --- unable to contact timeserver
End Try
' --- Process the response from the server
Dim n_work As Integer
n_work = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 1, 6))
Dim years As Integer = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 8, 2))
Dim months As Integer = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 11, 2))
Dim days As Integer = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 14, 2))
Dim hours As Integer = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 17, 2))
Dim minutes As Integer = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 20, 2))
Dim seconds As Integer = Val(Strings.Mid(s_timestring, 23, 2))
If n_work > 51544 Then
    years = years + 2000
    years = years + 1900
End If
Dim result As DateTime
result = New DateTime(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)