
Author: bobnoordam

MVC Webgrid basics – Simple grid with paging and sorting and selection

The Webgrid helper This series of documents outlines basic usage of the webgrid helper, and how to implement paging, sorting and selection comparable to the Webforms GridView control. You can download the final iteration of the solution file here: MVC-Sample-PagingSorting.zip Basic usage The controller class below retrieves the products table from the NorthWind demo database, […]

MVC File upload

The view part Our view defines a multipart form to enable us to post both files and other model/form fields. Once a file is uploaded the controller will set the ViewBag.UploadStatus to a confirmation message, causing the upload part to disappear and the confirmation to appear. The multipart declaration in the form is required to […]

How to enable Windows installer logging

Windows installer has a logging service which can give a lot of detail about what is going on “under the hood” when an installation fails. To enable the logging function, create the following registry path and keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer Reg_SZ: Logging The value of the field defines the different logging mode’s. You can place multiple letters […]

Scaffolding for an ASPxGridView with Select button using custom callbacks

Emulates the behaviour of the standard webforms grid, with a view where each line has a button that can be used to ‘select’ that line. This should make transition from the built in gridview to de ASPxGridView very easy. The click is processed server side It is not possible to select more then one line […]

Effective VHDX compacting with HYPER-V 2012 and networked storage

There are a lot of instructions out on the internet which lead you through some compacting routine, with varying success. This usually amounts to stopping the VM/VDI and running the disk edit function from the HYPER-V console. In many cases, and especially if you are using networked storage, you will find that most of the […]

Page and control level validation using javascript with asp.net

This sample is a complete minimal implementation of client side verification of inputs before a pass to the server is made. Verification is done on control level with the onblur() event, and on page level when the form is submitted. This validation is faster then round-tripping to the server for each event, especialy with large […]

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