Author: bobnoordam
IIS fails to load application pool after removing exchange
After decomissioning Exchange server you cannot run other applications on IIS, and application pools fail with the following message in the logfiles: Het DLL-bestand C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin\kerbauth.dll van de module is niet geladen. Het gegevensveld bevat het foutnummer. Resolution: Stop the IIS Service Navigate to c:\windows\system32\intesrv\config and edit the file applicationhost.config Remove the line outlined […]
Fixing backscatter on Exchange 2010
The default installation of exchange 2010 on small organizations will use the hub transport server to handle the smtp mail. The problem with this setup is twofold, Exchange 2010 STILL uses stone gae defaults for NDR messages, and for unknown recipients by accepting any mail and then sending non deliverable reports. This opens up your […]
Exchange 2013 default receive connectors
re-creating the default receive connectors on exchange 2013 I recently ran into a server that no longer wanted to route mail and responded with PRX4 and PRX5 temporary server errors after a failed upgrade with the latest CU. These errors are attributed to dns problems, however in this case DNS was fine. Even after restoring […]
Exchange 2010: Setup SMTP
Expand the organization configuration Expand hub transport Choose the tab Send Connectors Create a new send connector, with the intended use: Internet Add as address space: * Finalize the wizard SMTP mail on the server, take the following steps: Expand Server Configuration Select Hub Transport Bring up the propterties of the default receive connector Add […]
Exchange 2010: Old fashioned POP without TLS/SSL
If you still need to support old fashioned POP connections over port 110, you need to make the following configuration steps: Expand Server configuration Select Client Access Bring up the properties page for the POP3 connector Switch to the Authentication tabs Enable planin text logon Enable the POP3 service in the services panel, and set […]
Exchange 2010: Limit store memory usage
MS Exchanges store process by default uses all memory on the server and releases memory when other process require it. There is much discussion floating around about the good and the bad of this. Very generaly speaking it is a good thing if you have dedicated exchange servers, but it can be a very bad […]
Exchange 2010: Add a new domain name
Expand the organization configuration Expand the HUB Transport role Configure the tab “Accepted domains”
Correctly configuring NDR and DNSBL on Exchange 2003
By default, your Exchange 2003 server will happily accept all mail, only to find during processing that it can not deliver certain mails. It will ony then generate a message back to the sender that the mail cannot be delivered. While this is fine for legit senders, it becomes problematic with spam. Spam generaly has […]
Command line mailbox import and export with exchange
The more recent MS Exchange versions support importing an dexporting of mailboxes directly to and from PST files on your server. This method uses the same technology stack Outlook uses, which means at the time of writing a mailbox size limit of 20GB. If you have more data in a single mailbox you will need […]