
Enabling Powershell Hyper-V cmdlets on upgraded systems

One of the great things added with Server 2012 (and Windows 8) is full support for Hyper-V in powershell. There is a long list of cmdlets that make managing virtual machines a breeze. (see: this technet link ). If you upgraded a server from Server 2008/2008R2 to Server 2012 you will find the cmdlet’s oddly missing … The upgrade did install the new version of Hyper-V but did not add the powershell management library to go along with it. Luckily, the fix is easy: Run the following command in powershell to install the Hyper-V cmdlets:

install-windowsfeature -name hyper-v -IncludeManagementTools

You can archieve the same through the roles & functions wizard, adding: ”Remote Server Administration Tools, Role Administration Tools, Hyper-V Management Tools, Hyper-V Module for Windows PowerShell”

A sample script using these applets to make complete backup’s of the virtual machines can be found on this document