Problem : On a crystal reports report, you have a field that can gow quite large, and has ‘can grow’ selected. Hower, when growing it overwrites data lower on the report in the section Solution: Crystal reports fields grow without regard to what’s below it in the same section, you need to create a seperate […]
Month: January 2020
Getting a named day-of-week from a date field
To get a named “day of the week” in your crystal report, do the following: – Create a new formula field, using the editor – Paste the formula below in, replacing with the name of your report field containing the date [“Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saterday”, “Sunday”] [DayOfWeek({<datefield>})]
Creating a PDF from a crystal report at runtime
The code sample below shows how to create a pdf during runtime from any crystal report. This code assumes you already have a valid report ‘myreport’, if you want an example of how to create a report item from code check ‘ — export report to pdf ‘Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine ‘Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Dim s_filename As String […]
Creating a crystal report from an in-memory data table
To use data from an in memory created table object over a direct SQL query has the advantage that you can manipulate the data before it is send to the report, e.a. – you can calculate fields, or remove fields from the dataset before it is passed to the report. Design the report as normal. […]
Binding a string to a textfield on a report at runtime
This sample demonstrates how to display a string in an unbound field on a crystal report. This can be used to display messages which are diffrent depending on runtime parameters during report generation. Private Sub DisplayReport() Dim myreport As ReportDocument Dim freestring As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject myreport = New ReportDocument myreport.Load() freestring = myreport.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects(“Text1”) freestring.Text = “Your […]
Compare a string field as a date on a report
This formula can be used to compare a string field in a database against the current date and time on a crystal report. Place the formula in the Selection expert / Details. Rows where the date and time contained in the string field falls before the current date and time will be supressed. Note that […]
Dropdown menu’s with ASP.NET and JQuery
This sample shows how to setup a basic JQuery popdown menu embedded in an webforms application, and how to position it correctly under your menu bar. As you will discover, no code behind at all is needed to make the basic functionality work, so no need for postbacks and displaying and hiding panels. The […]
Creating a simple image animation with jquery
This sample animates an image from one position to another on the click of a button. JQuery is used to perform the animation. The idea is pretty simple. the animatesource div ands animatetarget div’s are placed on a page. The actual animation calculates the difference between the position of the tow div’s on the screen, […]
Configuring strict transport security in IIS
The usual way visitors land on your SSL site, is by connecting to a normal HTTP version which perfoms a redirect to the SSL version of the website. This works great. By using strict transport security you can improve the security of your visitors further. It offers a method to tell the browser of the […]
Using icons on mobile devices for your website
You can get mobile devices to use a nice looking icon for your website when the link is placed on the home screen or a favorites page. The data is supplied through the mobile device in the form of a JSON file, containing information about the resolutions and devices you have made avaialble. The web […]