
Author: bobnoordam

Ubuntu: stop automatically adding printers on the network

Having your printers on the netwrok automatically added can be handed on a small network, but it can become a major drag on networks with a large number of printers. The service repsonsible is named cups-browsed. Here is how you can disable this service, thereby no longer adding your printers. Printing services for manually installed […]

Creating your first let’s encrypt certifcate on Linux

I still see system administrators hold off on SSL because they are scared for the process of creating certificate requests, getting the certificates and then integrating them into apache. This writeup will show how to install an SSL certificate using CERTBOT, a handy tool provided by let’s encrypt that takes all the manual work out […]

Using KVM and virt-manager to setup a hypervisor

first off, for Ubuntu server you will need to enable additional repositories, by running sudo apt-add-repository universe Next, install the hypoervisor, and the management tool sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin You can verify the readyness of the hypervisor with the command kvm-ok, which will output something like this INFO: /dev/kvm exists KVM acceleration can […]

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