
Author: bobnoordam

Styling your dropdownlist and dropdownlist items in ASP.NET

Dropdownlists are a much used component in ASP.NET web development. While styling the dropdownlist in it’s default state is intuitive, styling the list items themselves is not. First things first, we will use the following CSS for the styling: .DropDownListStyle { margin-top: 8px; } .DropDownListItemStyle { background-color: #eee; margin: 8px; padding: 8px; } As you […]

Getting an environment variable

_dupenv_s will return a pointer to an allocated buffer that contains the value of the environment variable, which makes the most basic usage form: char* buffer; size_t bsize; _dupenv_s(&buffer, &bsize, “USERDOMAIN”); printf(buffer); free(buffer); The function is capable to return an error code if something goes horribly wrong. Note that a “not found” condition is NOT […]

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